The 6 Best Foods for a Healthy Heart - "Heart Health"

Cardiovascular diseases make up the single
greatest cause of death on the planet. Between
ischaemic heart disease, strokes, and
hypertension-related deaths, more than 17 million
people die each year due to cardiovascular issues.
For that reason, protecting your heart is one of the most important and imperative things that
everyone needs to do, even at a young age.
Preventing things like unbalanced cholesterol
levels, high blood pressure, plaque build-up in
your arteries, and unnecessary strain on your
cardiovascular system is of the utmost
Here is a list of 7 foods that keeps your "Heart Healthy":
1) NUTS –
Almonds, walnuts, and other varieties of
nuts are all beneficial for heart health due to their impressive mineral content, including high levels of magnesium, as well as their great balance of monounsaturated fats as compared to saturated fats. This can help lower overall cholesterol levels. However, many nuts come salted, which is definitely not a heart-healthy choice, so opt for the unsalted varieties whenever possible.

Plenty of monounsaturated fats in olive oil make it much better for cooking than butter or lard, and it also makes for a great, low-calorie salad dressing. There are also important antioxidant polyphenols that reduce inflammation of the cardiovascular system. Make sure to go for extra-virgin olive oil, as it is normally considered the healthiest option!
Often considered one of the best heart-healthy foods, salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help to lower unhealthy cholesterol levels, while the high content of selenium found in fish like salmon.
Dark chocolate is rich in flavonols, which have been linked to thinning the blood and
preventing clotting, which seriously decreases
your chances of strokes and heart attacks.
Furthermore, the epicatechin found in dark
chocolate is able to lower blood pressure and
improve blood vessel health by boosting nitric
oxide levels, a very important compounds for a
healthy cardiovascular system.
Grain choices like bran and rice are able to reduce gluten content in the body, which has been linked to lowering cholesterol levels and helping to prevent clogged arteries that can lead to atherosclerosis and many other cardiovascular complications.
Although most fruits and vegetables are considered to be beneficial for heart health,
apples are particularly good due to their high
antioxidant content, particularly in their skin, in
the form of polyphenolic compounds. Regularly
adding apples to your heart-healthy diet has been
found to reduce "bad" (LDL) cholesterol levels by
more than 40%. This is partially due to pectin,
which blocks the absorption of cholesterol in the
body, and fiber, which eliminates excess LDL
cholesterol from the bloodstream.

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